Goodreads LogoYou might have noticed (hopefully) that a couple of book reviews have been posted on my blog lately. You might also have noticed that they are pretty much identically laid out and liberally laced with links to Goodreads.

As mentioned in some other posts, I use the Goodreads book readers social site to track books I have read, books I intend to read and get recommendations on new interesting books based on what I have read and how I have rated it.

Since I, generally add a short commentary or review of the books that I’ve read when I rate them I thought I would try out the Goodreads post-on-your-blog feature. It basically allows your comments/reviews to be published not only on Goodreads but also simultaneously to your blog if you use WordPress or Blogger for your blogging.

So a few days ago I started to use this feature. Thus whenever I make a review of a book I’ve read on Goodreads it automatically get’s published here, unless I decide otherwise for a particular review of course.

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